ECO4 Guidance

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO), is a government energy efficiency scheme for Great Britain, administered by Ofgem.

This scheme is now in its 4th iteration. ECO4 will be a four-year scheme and is intended to run from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2026.

The main objective of ECO4 is to improve the energy efficiency of housing stock occupied by low income and vulnerable households. One route that can be used to identify these households is ‘ECO4 Flexibility’ (ECO4 Flex). Under ECO4 Flex, a participating Local Authority, can refer private tenure households that it considers to be living in fuel poverty or on a low income and vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home.

This guidance sets out opportunities for Local Authorities and Devolved Administrations to engage with energy suppliers on how they meet their obligations to install energy efficiency measures in homes under ECO. This guidance document also outlines the requirements that are expected of Local Authorities when referring eligible households for the scheme, and it provides information on our oversight and administration process.

Main Document:

ECO4 Guidance for Local Authorities

Subsidiary Documents

ECO4 Flex Data Dictionary

ECO4 Flex Statement of Intent template

ECO4 Flex notification template